Social Response and Support of FLYONIT to COVID-19 Outbreak
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and economic shutdowns are dealing a severe blow to the worldwide economy and particularly poorer states. Developing countries and the global community can take steps now to speed recovery after the worst of health crisis has passed. In the long-term, the pandemic will leave long-lasting damage through numerous channels, including loss of education and occupations.
At this crisis period, FLYONIT has taken comprehensive, fast action to help businesses to reinforce their pandemic response. We have supported the first responders and pharmaceutical firms on the front lines of the crisis. We have assisted our clients, partners, and communities around the world to encounter the challenges of COVID-19 by focusing on their priority areas.
We have provided remote IT services to the Health Cares and it helps them in their interaction and communication with the patients. Along with this, we have developed e-learning to help students to use digital applications, media, and online content. In addition to this, we have shown teachers how to implement MS Teams for the virtual meeting. Along with this, we have offered IT consultants and strategies to salesforce expertise to enhance planning and reduce workplace responsibilities. This way we have helped and mentored the small businesses to adapt and survive in the marketplace.
Now, we are the proud member of the business community for the support which inspires people and business leaders to make a more inclusive future work. By allowing nearly 90% of its personnel in Australia, India, and the USA to work from home, FLYONIT was able to continue services for clients without any disruption.