Know How Duress Alert System Can Ensure The Safety of Your Healthcare Staffs

While the healthcare industry in Australia is facing a number of challenges, one issue that is impacting the front staffs directly is the rising problem of safety in the healthcare environment.

Nurses, who are considered as the backbone of all hospitals as well as other healthcare facilities, are most likely to be the victims of violence. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses were the victims of more than 46 percent of all non-fatal assaults as well as violent acts that resulted in days away from work.

What are the tangible & intangible costs associated with violence against nurses & other hospital staff members?

  • Injured staff’s lost work time as well as healthcare expenses
  • Losing staff to other departments or other hospitals
  • Worker’s Compensation Claims as well as Liability Lawsuits
  • Tarnished hospital reputation
  • Reduced employee morale

Why ensuring the safety of hospital workforce is important?

It is highly important for healthcare facilities to ensure the safety of their staffs. It will not only help them improve the moraleof their workforce  but also it ensures that nurses as well as other staffs are not distracted by the stress of personal safety.

But now the question is what can healthcare practices do in order to better protect their staffs at all times? Although the most obvious solution is to hire more and more security guards, there is a downside to that. It is not practically possible for the security guards to know the minute an emergency is happening & sometimes there is not much time between a threat as well as a full-scale assault. In order to ensure healthcare staff’s protection, it is important to have a solution that has the potential to alert others the moment a situation spirals out of control.

Addressing healthcare staffs’ safety with Duress Alarm

The best way to ensure the safety & well-being of healthcare workforce is to implement a staff duress alerting system.

A duress alarm system uses an innovative technology that will allow you utilize the computer network that you already have in place as well as inexpensively add a panic or duress alarm.

For example, if suddenly a patient gets aggressive, you can push the EAS button on your desk & ask for help.

All you have to do is load the software onto all computers that are connected by a network and then you need to plug a USB button into each computer. Then when an emergency occurs, you will have to press the button as well as an alarm window, and then a tone will appear on the other computers in the network.

Have a look at all the benefits of duress alarm system:

  • Everyone can know within seconds in case of any emergency.
  • It is less expensive than hard wiring a building.
  • It is highly reliable as well as flexible
  • Everyone near a computer can be alerted to an emergency.
  • It is expandable. If required, you can add more buttons.
  • It is relocatable. You will be able to take it with you while moving to a new building.


Duress alert system is undoubtedly one of the best solution that helps to ensure the safety & well-being of healthcare staffs.This type of wireless security solution protects staffs by enabling instant response times during emergencies by instantly locating the specific employee under duress.

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